We like bohemian lead crystal and we love beautiful chandeliers made from it. This is exactly why we decided to expand our range a little and offer the right filament LED light sources for our crystal chandeliers at the same time. After all, a chandelier is only as beautiful as the light sources that create a pleasant and sparkling lighting atmosphere.
Filament LED light sources are nothing more than well-known light bulbs, which now work with LEDs and a so-called LED filament or even several of them. They imitate the look of classic light bulbs from the past. Energy savings and environmental awareness continue to play a role, at the same time the shimmering impression is created, which makes the crystal chandelier glisten so uniquely.
We offer our customers filament LED lamps in two different variations. The filament LED with 2 watts (none dimmable) and the 4 watts completely dimmable without flickering. Both filament LED lamps have the well-known and important candle shape, which is stylishly shown to advantage in the chandelier.
As a little specialty, we also offer you a GU10 LED light source. These are used exclusively for very modern chandeliers. The LED light source is reminiscent of classic halogen spotlights and has a GU10 base, replaces well-known halogen lamps with an energy-saving LED alternative.
All of our LED lamps are manufactured according to our own specifications and have been specially created for Bohemian Crystal. Our logo on the packaging is therefore also an award for the quality it contains. Make sure to put the best possible LED bulbs for your new crystal chandelier directly into the shopping cart.